Women Marching

Statements for artwork in this section read from left to right - - scroll to view!


No More Stolen Sisters

Gay Pasley

"The Native American Women had shown up to the Women's March in numbers and they had something to say. Native Women, girls, and two-spirits are being taken from us in an alarming way. The majority of these murders are committed by non-Native people on Native-owned land. The lack of communication combined with jurisdictional issues between state, local, federal, and tribal law enforcement, make it nearly impossible to begin the investigative process.



Vanessa Rivas

In Iran, women are being shot in the eye for protesting peacefully. As a human rights activist and artist, I want my art to display some of the horrors women face around the world to bring awareness to what’s happening.


Women's March

Gay Pasley

All women don't bleed. All women do not have the capacity to carry children. I created the artwork from a photo of a protestor at the Women's March and I thought that it might be a cause for a conversation about trans-exclusionary radical feminism (TERF and the different ways in which we feminists bleed.


Fuck the Patriarchy

Janice Yeary

I attended the Women's March in Washington, D.C. in January 2017. Thousands of people marched through the streets to the United States Capitol in a shared expression of unity and power. Out of the hundreds of photos I took that day, this is one of my favorites. The juxtaposition of the woman holding up her handmade sign while a man walked by us wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase is an incredible visual testament to that time.



Kelly Armstrong

This painting was conceived in response to the increase I saw in discussions around feminist issues in recent years and represents hope for a more unified and inclusive feminist movement.


Wisdom is a She

Kari Boyce

“Wisdom is a She” is inspired by a protest poster I made for the Women’s March in Oklahoma City, January 21, 2017. Scripture read at the Presidential Inauguration earlier that week was from the Book of Wisdom. I noticed all the pronouns for “Wisdom” were feminine. That was the impetus!