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Center of Attention

Athraa Abdullah

This painting symbolizes the role of the mother in the family. She is the center of the family. Delivering the life sustaining food after negotiating at the market to make do with the little money that was available. The way the colors and shapes flow around her represent how the world flows out of and surrounds this core star in their universe.


Angela Davis

Patrick Laird

Portrait of American political activist, philosopher, academic and author, Angela Davis.



Amber Casper

With this painting I wanted to rewrite the tale of Medusa from a tragedy to one of invulnerability. My depiction of her is not of a victim but that of a stunningly beautiful and seductive warrioress and ruler of her own domain. I chose Rihanna as my muse because of her magnificently unparalleled beauty and sensuality.


Still I Rise

Matthew Ferree

Dr. Maya Angelou made history as an author, actress, screenwriter, dancer, poet and civil rights activist. When I saw the reference photo I used for this piece, I saw her confidence, wisdom, grit, and elegance. She asked me "Do I offend you?" Her words, not mine, shared in the poem to which this piece is named. And so I want to convey her composed, yet fiery presence, one that was revealed in every phase, aspect, and layer of her life.  

“You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I’ll rise.”



Molly Love

This piece is inspired by a role model of mine, Frida Kahlo. I see her as a role model because even in her most difficult times, such as being in a body cast, she still did art and used it to express herself. I started needle felting because of my anxiety. Felting helped me cope with my anxiety and overcome such a rough obstacle just like Frida did.